from the waist down

This is a sequence for strengthening the lower body, toning the waist, lengthening the lower back and  hamstrings, and opening the hips.  This is a strong practice, so be sure to maintain a solid foundation in your poses.  For standing poses, remain aware of where and how you place your weight on your feet. Keep your knees facing the same direction as your toes.  (If you bend your knee it will move directly over your foot).  This sequence and most sequences on this blog are not intended for the beginner asana student.    Staying disclipined with awareness of breath, mind and body,  and listening to and honoring the body’s signals, can ensure a safe practice.  Take a few deep breaths at the end of your practice offering gratitude for all that supports you in this life. 

Virabhadrasana I (hero I); Virabhadrasana II (hero II); Trikonasana (triangle); parsvottanasana (separate head leg, head to knee); ashwa sanchalasana (runner); parivritta parsvakonasana (rotated lateral angle); marjariasana (table/cat); adho mukha svanasana (downward  facing dog); kapotanasana (pigeon); virasana (thunderbolt); supta virasana (reclining hero); garbhasana (child);  malasana (squat) knees wide;  upavista konasana (seated wide angle forward bend); parivritta janusirshasana (rotated head to knee); paschimottanasana (seated forward bend); setubhandasana (bridge); tadaka mudra (supine crescent moon); savasana (corpse).


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